Recycling Guide
March 31st
April 14th
April 28th
Waste Management Sanitation Services
The City Sanitation Services are provided by Waste Management (WM). The City has contracted with Waste Management to provide curbside trash pick-up and yard waste pick-up one time per week on Mondays. At this time, recycling pick-up services with be made every two weeks. This schedule will be posted and updated in the “Waste Management” page of this website.
Waste Management observes the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. If any of these holidays fall on a Monday, services will be delayed by one day.
The City contract also allows for one (1) large junk item per week placed at the curb. Call Waste Management to schedule a pickup. Mattresses and any upholstered items must now be wrapped in plastic for pickup. If you have a problem with your service, you should contact Waste Management at 502-966-0117. Calling the City Clerk will delay Waste Management knowing about your issue. Additional information about Recycling, Hazardous Waste disposal services is listed below under the “Metro Louisville Services” heading.
Recycle Materials Containers (Rolling Bins - Yellow Lid)
The Waste Management LARGE ROLLING RECYCLE CART (with wheels) with the yellow lid and 10-diget number is for recycling waste only. Residents should NOT use their Waste Management LARGE ROLLING CART for trash or yard waste. Residents are encouraged NOT to give away, sell or destroy their LARGE ROLLING RECYCLE CART Waste Management delivered.
Residents that do not want their LARGE ROLLING RECYCLE CART should contact Waste Management at 502-966-0117 for assistance.
Recycle waste will be picked up on Monday (excluding WM holidays) every two weeks as noted on the schedule.
Trash Containers
Trash should be in the LARGE ROLLING TRASH CART with the green lid. Trash should be in trash bags within the cart. DO NOT throw trash directly into the cart.
Yard Waste
Yard waste should be in open containers or paper bags. Waste Management will not pick-up yard waste that is in plastic bags. Limbs or branches should be tied in manageable bundles no longer than three (3) feet and placed at the curb the night before your scheduled Waste Management System pick-up day. Unbundled items will not be picked up.