City Services
Administrative Information
The City Clerk provides administrative services to residents for various permits, property taxes, rental property registration, business licenses, alcohol licensing and city fees. The City Clerk may reach the City Office by calling 429-0834 or emailing
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 10:30 am. to 2:30 pm.
Animal Control
The City of Graymoor-Devondale does not have its own Animal Control Services. Instead, the City adopted all Metro Animal Control regulations. If you have a problem with any domestic animals, please call Metro Animal Control at 502-363-6609.
In the City, it is the homeowner’s responsibility for maintaining their property including easements that have been granted to the various utilities. The easements are for access purposes only and the utilities’ only responsibility is to restore the easement area to its original condition any time they have to use the easement to gain access to their equipment for repairs. Residents should keep utility easements clear of debris. Residents that have drainage or sewer issues, you may contact MSD at 502-587-0603.
The City provides and maintains lighting on its streets through LG&E. If you notice a street light problem, please report it to LG&E at 502-627-3313 or the City Clerk at 502-429-0834 or
Grass Clippings
After lawns are mowed, residents are expected to remove their grass clippings from the street. Do not blow yard waste into drains.
Homestead Exemption
Property owners who are 65 or older are eligible to receive the Homestead Exemption on their primary residence. If you are eligible, the exemption amount is subtracted from your property’s assessed value, reducing your property tax liability. Only one exemption is allowed per household. The Homestead Exemption applies to your Jefferson County and Graymoor-Devondale tax liability. For information, contact the Jefferson County PVA Homestead Department at 502-574-6380
Home Improvements
Contact the City Clerk at ( or call the City Office before starting any exterior home improvement project. It is the resident’s responsibility to confirm if permits or variances are required from Graymoor-Devondale.
Graymoor-Devondale, by ordinance, addresses certain nuisances such as tall grass and weeds, accumulation of rubbish, trees or shrubbery that obstruct streets, sidewalks or drainage, keeping of animals and junk (scrap metal and cars).
Residents are responsible for maintaining the appearance of their home and yard. Failure to do so may result in citations and fines issued by the Graymoor-Devondale Police Department.
Pet Nuisances
Residents are expected to be respectful of our City and other residents and should ensure their pet is a welcomed member of our community and neighbor. When walking their (leashed) dogs, residents are expected to carry bags and remove any waste left by their dog. Additionally, out of consideration for your pet’s health and consideration for neighbors residents are expected to remove pet waste from their yard before it becomes a smelly nuisance.
Cats are not allowed to roam into other residents’ yards. Cat owners should keep their cat on a leash or on the owner’s property.
Pet nuisance issues are not addressed by the Graymoor-Devondale Police Department or governed by Graymoor-Devondale Ordinances.
Pet nuisance issues are addressed only by calling Metro Animal Control at 502-363-6609. Metro Animal Control’s actions are usually to pick up and remove the pet. The pet’s owner is then required to pick up their pet and pay all fees due Metro Animal Control.
Parking (on and off street)
It is illegal to park a vehicle on any street within Graymoor-Devondale is excess of four (4) hours. Vehicles can only be parked on paved, graveled or similar hard surfaces. Vehicles should remain on the pavement. Tires should not be parked on the grass along any street. It is illegal to park, store or maintain any disabled vehicle, boat trailer, camper, recreational vehicle, mobile home, bus or motor truck > 1.5 ton load capacity on any public or private property in a residential area unless the vehicle is behind the front wall of the residence on a hard durable surface.
Contractors and vendors are not allowed to post signs in Graymoor-Devondale. Should a plumber, painter or window company work at your home, they are not allowed to leave signage in your yard.
Advertising on city easements and residential property is prohibited. The Graymoor-Devondale Police Department may issue citations and fines to those that violate this ordinance.
Advertising on residential property is prohibited.
Soliciting (Requires Graymoor-Devondale's Permit)
Commercial solicitation is by permit only. This includes door to door and passing out flyers. For your safety, please do not allow any Commercial Solicitor into your home until you have verified with the Lyndon Police or City Clerk that the solicitor has our City’s required permit. If a resident suspects a Commercial Solicitor does not have the required permit, please call the Lyndon Police at 502-327-2677 or 502-327-COPS or the City Clerk at 502-429-0834.
Residents are encouraged to ask Commercial Solicitors to contact Graymoor-Devondale’s City Clerk to request the required permit. Please note, permits issued by any other cities or agencies do not meet Graymoor-Devondale’s permit requirements.
Speed Limit
The posted speed limit for all city streets is 25 mph.
Additionally, when traveling along Westport Road, you should remember, the center lane is for turns only. The Graymoor-Devondale Police Department will issue citations to drivers that use the center lane inappropriately.
Examples of projects that require a permit include home additions, sheds, garages, and fences. Failure to obtain the required permit may delay, alter, or stop your project until the required permit is received from the Graymoor-Devondale Code Enforcement Officer.
In-Home Businesses
Our City has placed limitations on home-based businesses in residential dwellings; no merchandise for retail sale, no more than 10% of the living space in a home can be used for a business, customers must park on the driveway of the home, no outside or visible to the exterior advertising is allowed.
Metro Louisville Services
Recycling (Additional services provided by Metro Louisville)
Hazardous Material Safe Disposal (Additional services provided by Metro Louisville)
Hazardous Material Safe Disposal
Metro311 (Additional services provided by Metro Louisville)
Phone “311”
Check the air quality in Louisville (Additional information provided by Metro Louisville)
Check the air quality in Louisville
Yard Sale
As a service to our residents, Graymoor-Devondale sponsors our annual City-Wide Yard Sale in June. Several days before the date of the Yard Sale, a member of the City Council will post Yard Sale signs at major intersections around the city. These signs are owned by the City and residents should not move or re-locate these signs. The City will also contact local newspapers and internet sites announcing the date and time of our Yard Sale. Residents that post their own yard sale signs are expected to remove their signs on the same day of the yard sale.
4th of July Patriotic Parade
Graymoor-Devondale has a long history of celebrating the 4th of July. First with a Children’s Bike Parade and more recently, our 4th of July Patriotic Parade. After many years without parades, the 4th of July Patriotic Parade is now an annual City sponsored event.
The Graymoor-Devondale 4th of July Patriotic Parade is usually scheduled for the morning of the 4th of July. To spark the spirit of participation and to encourage residents to be a part of the parade, wearing their red, white, and blue, the City awards prizes for several categories that often includes the following:
Most Patriotic Kid
Most Patriotic Grown-Up Kid
Most Patriotic Kid’s Safety Helmet
Most Patriotic Grown-Up Kid Safety Helmet
Most Patriotic Pet
Most Patriotic Wagon
Most Patriotic Float
The City encourages residents to be a part of the parade by walking the parade route or setting up their lawn chairs and cheering on the participants. This event is a great way to meet your neighbors and celebrate the 4th of July.
For the safety of those walking the parade route, drivers should be prepared for traffic delays as several streets are closed during the parade.
Check this site’s calendar for the date, time and route of the 4th of July Patriotic Parade. Prize winners' photos are posted on
In the event there is inclement weather on the morning of the parade, please look for an update on this site.
Holiday Decorating Contest
Residents of Graymoor-Devondale have for many years demonstrated their creative skills with bright elaborate Holiday decorations. As a way of thanking our residents for the time and money they put into their decorations, the City sponsors an Annual Holiday Decorating Contest.
2023 Issue 2 April-June (Download PDF)
2023 Issue 1 January-March (Download PDF)
2022 Issue 4 July-September (Download PDF)
2022 Issue 3 April-June 2022 (Download PDF)
2022 Issue 2: February-March 2022 (Download PDF)
2022 Issue 1: January 2022 (Download PDF)
2021 Issue 2: May-June 2021 (Download PDF)
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August-November 2019 (Download PDF)
January-February 2019 (Download PDF)